Mighty Mule gate opener repair
The Mighty Mule National Repair Center handles both warranty and non warranty claims. The state-of-the-art facility is staffed and equipped to process repairs of Mighty Mule Gate Operators and accessories. The goal of the center is to accurately diagnose, repair or replace equipment, and ship it back to our customers in a timely fashion.
Warranty Program
The GTO warranty program starts from the date of final product sale. In order to return products for warranty repairs, please contact GTO Tech Support for a Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number. For warranty repair service, proof of purchase will be required in the form of a receipt, invoice, canceled check, or credit card statement. Regrettably, we are unable to accept or process shipments sent to us without an assigned RGA number clearly marked on the outside of the box.
Please use the following steps when returning equipment for warranty repair:
- Contact Tech Support to request an RGA number by calling our toll free number, (800) 543-1236.
- Have the quantity and model of the products to be returned available for the technician.
- Pack products to be returned appropriately to prevent damage during shipment back to GTO.
- Clearly mark the RGA number on the outside of the package, include a copy of the proof of purchase, and return the package with the shipping prepaid to:
Attn: (RGA number)
GTO Tech Support
3121 Hartsfield Road
Tallahassee, FL 32303
We will examine your equipment thoroughly. If we find a manufacturers defect, we will repair or replace the defective part under warranty. However, if the equipment has been damaged by lightning, insects, abuse, etc., we will call you with a price quote on the cost of the repairs.
Non Warranty Repairs
For Mighty Mule operators that have passed the allotted warranty time period or have a repair that would not be covered under the Mighty Mule warranty policy, GTO will perform necessary repairs for a nominal fee. In order to return products for non warranty repairs, please call for a non warranty returned goods authorization number ( NW RGA #) at 800-543-1236 or open a tech ticket at . For non warranty repair service, there will be a $75 non refundable repair charge required plus the cost of the parts replaced or repaired. We are unable to accept or process shipments sent to us without an assigned non warranty RGA# clearly marked on the outside of the box.
- Contact the Technical Support Department for an RGA #.
- Have available for the technician, the quantity and model of the products to be returned.
- Clearly mark the RGA# on the outside of the package and return to GTO.
Attn: (RGA number)
GTO Tech Support
3121 Hartsfield Road
Tallahassee, FL 32303
We will examine and diagnose the equipment thoroughly. The customer will be contacted with a price quote on the cost of the repairs.