Security gate installation
A more expensive but more convenient option is an automatic gate that opens via remote control, keypad or voice sensor. Automatic gates allow for people to come and go and the homeowner not be required to physically open and close the gate upon arrivals and departures.
Gate Construction and Materials
The material you use for your security gate will affect the price as well. Residential driveway gates are commonly constructed from aluminum, iron, steel, wood, or vinyl. Gates are either single panel or dual panel. A dual panel gate is, of course, more expensive than a single panel gate, and an iron gate will far out price a vinyl one. Decide on the level of security and the aesthetic look you desire and then compare prices of the gates that fit what you are seeking.
Increase Property Value
A security gate can add both aesthetic curb appeal and increased security. Both these aspects can greatly increase the value of your property when you look to sell your house. So even if the price tag seems steep at first, you may see the financial benefits when it is time to resell your home.
Reduce Insurance Costs
many insurance companies will decrease your insurance costs with the installation of a security gate due to the added security and decrease in risk of theft and vandalism. The price of a new security gate may be offset to a certain degree by the decrease in your homeowner's insurance premiums. Talk to your insurance agent to see how much saving you may enjoy.Refer a Pro who does this service and receive an Amazon Gift Card!
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